Moving Your Podcast From Anchor to Fireside

Switching to Fireside is easy! First you will need to log into Fireside and click 'Import a Podcast'.  Fireside Podcasts all get a URL like You can customize the mypodcast prefix using the field provided then click 'Next'. Paste your old Anchor RSS Feed URL* into the field provided and click 'Next'. Complete the following two steps then click 'Finish'. Once you have checked that your episodes have been successfully imported into Fireside you will then need to set up the redirect from your old host Anchor. 

Anchor does not have a built-in way for you to redirect your RSS feed so you will need to send an email to the Anchor support team at We have provided an email template for you to copy and paste. Please fill in the blanks provided with your information before you send the email:

Subject: Please Redirect My RSS Feed to Fireside
I am switching hosting platforms and I would like to initiate a 301 redirect from Anchor to Fireside. Below is all the information you will need to do so:
  • New Fireside RSS Feed URL: _______________
  • Podcast Name: _______________
  • Email address tied to my Anchor account:_______________
Please let me know if there's anything else you need from me. Thank you!

You should receive a response from Anchor's support team telling you the redirect is set up! We recommend keeping the redirect (and your podcast) active on Anchor for at least 30-60 days after you've completed the steps above. This is to ensure all platforms catch the change as some platforms can be slower to update than others. 

* Not sure how to find your Anchor RSS Feed URL? Follow the steps below:

  1. Click 'Settings' at the top right of your Anchor dashboard
  2. Select 'Update settings'
  3. Scroll down and select 'Where your podcast can be heard'
  4. Copy your RSS feed URL

** Not sure how to find your Fireside RSS Feed URL? Follow these steps: Where can I find my Fireside RSS Feed URL?